Dalda Cooking Oil Pouch pk

SKU: ISGR-2001 Categories: , , , ,



Product Description

A cooking oil pouch for a brand like Dalda would typically include the following information:

1. Brand Name: “Dalda” prominently displayed on the packaging.
2. Product Name: Indicating the type of cooking oil, such as “Dalda Cooking Oil.”
3. Product Variation: Some brands may offer different variations of cooking oil, such as vegetable oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, etc.
4. Packaging Size: Information about the volume or weight of the cooking oil in the pouch, usually given in liters or milliliters, or in grams or kilograms.
5. Nutritional Information: Details about the nutritional content of the cooking oil, including calories, fat content, and more.
6. Ingredients: A list of ingredients used in the oil, which is typically just the oil type (e.g., sunflower oil, soybean oil).
7. Usage Instructions: Guidance on how to use the oil for cooking, frying, or other purposes.
8. Storage Instructions: Recommendations for storing the pouch, such as keeping it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
9. Manufacturing Date and Expiry Date: Dates indicating when the oil was produced and how long it can be safely consumed.
10. Certification Marks: Any quality or safety certifications, such as ISO, HACCP, or others.
11. Barcode: A unique barcode for inventory and sales tracking purposes.
12. Contact Information: Contact details for the manufacturer or distributor, including a customer service phone number or website.

Please note that specific product details and designs may vary over time, so it’s essential to refer to the actual packaging or the official Dalda website for the most up-to-date and accurate information on their cooking oil pouches.

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